In Press







Duncumb, R., Giles, D., Holehouse, R., Hutchinson, R., Perry, J., Threadgold, L., Walthall, S. & Zytynski, M. (1992). Electronic transfer of geotechnical data from ground investigations, (1st Edition). Association of Geotechnical Specialists, London, UK.


Giles, D.P. (1992). The geotechnical computer workstation: The link between the geotechnical database and the geographical information system.  In Proceedings of the Colloque International: Géotechnique et Infomatique (pp. 685-690).  Presses de l'école nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France.

Moran, J., Langdon, N.J., Giles, D.P. (1996). Geotechnical Computer Assisted Learning, Strand 3, Site Investigation. Teaching and Learning Technology Programme.  Higher Education Funding Council.


Whalley, J.S. & Giles, D.P. (1996). A spreadsheet-based, problem-orientated approach to computing for earth scientists.  In D.A.V. Stow & G.J.H. McCall (Eds.). Geoscience education and training in schools and universities, for industry and public awareness. Joint Special Publication of the Commission on Geoscience Education and Training of the International Union of Geological Sciences and the Association of Geoscientists for International Development, AGID Special Publication Series, 19, (pp. 537-542).


Fall, D., Giles, D.P. & Langdon, N.J. (1996). GIS for the modelling and analysis of domestic property insurance risk associated with potentially collapsible soils of southern Britain. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint European Conference on Geographical Information, JEC, (pp. 338-341). IOS Press, Netherlands.


Giles, D.P., Morgan, A. & Darlow, P. (1996, December). On Contaminated Ground. GIS Europe, 20-22.

Giles, D.P. and Griffiths, J.S. (Eds.) (In Prep). Geological Hazards in the UK: their Occurrence, Monitoring and Mitigation. Geological Society, London, Engineering Special Publication.


Giles, D.P. (In Prep). Quick clays. In Giles, D.P. and Griffiths, J.S. (Eds.) Geological Hazards in the UK: their Occurrence, Monitoring and Mitigation. Geological Society, London, Engineering Special Publication.


Giles, D.P., Griffiths, J.S., Evans, D.J.A., Murton, J.B. (In Press). Geomorphological Framework - Glacial and Periglacial Sediments, Structures and Landforms. In: Griffiths, J.S. & Martin, C.J. (Eds.) Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains. Geological Society, London, Engineering Special Publication.


Culshaw, M.G., Entwisle, D.C., Giles, D.P., Berry, T., Collings, A., Banks, V.J. & Donnelly, L.J. (In Press). Material properties and geohazards. In: Griffiths, J.S. & Martin, C.J. (Eds.) Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains. Geological Society, London, Engineering Special Publication.


Griffiths, J.S. & Giles, D.P. (In Press). Conclusions and Illustrative Case Studies. In: Griffiths, J.S. & Martin, C.J. (Eds.) Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains. Geological Society, London, Engineering Special Publication.

Giles, D.P. (1993). Geostatistical interpolation techniques for geotechnical data modelling and ground condition risk and reliability assessment.  In B.O. Skipp (Ed.), Risk and Reliability in Ground Engineering (pp. 202-214). Thomas Telford, London, UK.

Drake, J.J., Giles, D.P., Murphy, W. & Walton, N.R.G. (1994).  Rising groundwater levels at Fawley, Hants.  In R. Oliveira, L.F. Rodrigues, A.G. Coelho & A.P. Cunha, A.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, IV, (pp. 2895-2903). Lisbon, Portugal.


Duncumb, R., Giles, D., Holehouse, R., Hutchinson, R., Perry, J., Swales, J., Threadgold, L., Walthall, S. & Zytynski, M. (1994). Electronic transfer of geotechnical data from ground investigations, (2nd Edition). Association of Geotechnical Specialists, London, UK.


Giles, D.P. (1994). Geological surface modelling utilising geostatistical algorithms for tunnelling window delineation - a case study from the London Water Ring Main.  In R. Oliveira, L.F. Rodrigues, A.G. Coelho & A.P. Cunha, A.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, VI, (pp. 4581-4589). Lisbon, Portugal.


Giles, D.P. (1994).  A digital data standard for the electronic transfer of geotechnical data from ground investigations.  In R. Oliveira, L.F. Rodrigues, A.G. Coelho & A.P. Cunha, A.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, VI, (pp. 4563-4568). Lisbon, Portugal


Giles, D.P. & Whalley, J.S. (1994).  Computer-based activities in engineering geology training.  In R. Oliveira, L.F. Rodrigues, A.G. Coelho & A.P. Cunha, A.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, VI, (pp. 4845-4851). Lisbon, Portugal.


Giles, D.P. (1994).  A geographical information system for geotechnical and ground investigation data management and analysis.  In Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS, (pp. 766-778). Paris, France.

Morgan, A., Giles, D.P. & Walton, N.R.G. (1995). Topsoil thickness modelling using GIS for the purpose of assessing risks from underlying contaminated material on Hope Cottage Allotments, Portsmouth. Euroconference GIS, University of Karlsruhe, Union Europeenne, Projet Capital Humain et Mobilite, DG XII, ENSG, St. Mande, France.


Barnes, R.C., Giles, D.P., Johnson, P.B. & Langdon, N.J. (1995). Geographical Information Systems as Data Integrators for Pre-Ground Investigation Studies in the Urban Environment. Euroconference GIS, University of Karlsruhe, Union Europeenne, Projet Capital Humain et Mobilite, DG XII, ENSG, St. Mande, France.


Giles, D.P. (1995). The  integration of GIS and geostatistical modelling for a tunnelling geohazard study. In Proceedings of the 1st Joint European Conference on Geographical Information, JEC-GI, Vol. 1. (pp. 421-426). Basel, Switzerland.

Moran, J.A., Langdon, N.J. & Giles, D.P. (1997). Can Site Investigation be taught? Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering, 120, (Paper 11118), 111-118.


Moran, J.A., Langdon, N.J. & Giles, D.P. (1997, November). Can Site Investigation be taught? New Civil Engineer International, 29-36.


Moran, J.A., Langdon, N.J. & Giles, D.P. (1997). Computer Aided Learning for realistic undergraduate professional experience in site investigation. Proceedings of the 2nd Working Conference on Engineering Education: Professional Standards and Quality in Engineering Education, (pp. 257-262), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

Giles, D., Culshaw, M., Evans, D., De Freitas, M., Griffiths, J., Lukas, S., Martin, C., Morley, A., Murton, J., Norbury, D. & Winter, M. (2015). The Geological Society of London Engineering Group Working Party on periglacial and glacial engineering geology. In Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development, ICE Publishing, 4265-4270.

Al-Daihani, H.H.Z., Watson, P.D. & Giles, D.P. (2014) A Geotechnical and Geochemical Characterisation of Oil Fire Contaminated Soils in Kuwait. In G. Lollino et al. (Eds.) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Vol. 6. Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects, 249-253. Springer.


Giles, D., Culshaw, M., Donnelly, L., Evans, D., De Freitas, M., Griffiths, J., Lukas, S., Martin, C., Morley, A., Murton, J., Norbury, D. & Winter, M. (2014). The Geological Society of London Engineering Group Working Party on periglacial and glacial engineering geology. In G. Lollino et al. (Eds.) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Vol. 6. Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects, 31-35. Springer.

Giles, D. (2013). Intensity Scales. In Bobrowsky, P. (Ed.), The Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazards, (pp 544-552). Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer. Elsevier.


Giles, D. (2013). Magnitude Measures. In Bobrowsky, P. (Ed.), The Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazards, (pp. 640-651). Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer. Elsevier.

Giles, D.P. (2012). A Field Guide to the Engineering Geology of the French Alps, Grenoble. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, February, 45(1), 7-18. doi:10.1144/1470-9236/09-065


Griffiths, J.S., Stokes, M., Stead, D. & Giles, D. (2012). Landscape Evolution and Engineering Geology: Results from IAEG Commission 22. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 71 (4), 605-636. doi: 10.1007/s10064-012-0434-7

Tudes, S. & Giles, D.P. (2010). Development of Land Use Planning Models Using GIS Based on Multi Criteria Spatial Analysis Decision Support Systems with Portsmouth as a case study. Final Report International Post Doctoral Research Fellowship Programme with Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.


Griffiths, J.S., Stokes, M., Stead, D. & Giles, D. (2010). Report on IAEG Commission 22: Landscape evolution and engineering geology. In A.L. Williams, G.M. Pinches, C.Y. Chin, T.J. McMorran, C.I. Massey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress: Geologically Active, Auckland, New Zealand, (pp.1885-1893). Taylor & Francis.

Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D.P. & Anderson, I. (2009). Landslide imaging techniques for urban geoscience reconnaissance. In M. G. Culshaw, H. J. Reeves, I. Jefferson & T. W. Spink, (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Tomorrow’s Cities. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 22, CD Paper No. 245.


Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D.P., Anderson, I. & Clewett, M. (2009). Terrestrial laser scanning for applied geoscience and landslide studies in the urban environment. In M.G. Culshaw, H.J. Reeves, I. Jefferson & T.W. Spink, (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Tomorrow’s Cities. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 22, CD Paper No. 252.


Giles, D.P. & Whitworth, M.C.Z. (2009). Training and education of engineering geologists for the new urban challenges in applied geosciences. In M. G. Culshaw, H. J. Reeves, I. Jefferson & T. W. Spink, (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Tomorrow’s Cities. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 22, CD Paper No. 244.


Giles, D.P., Whitworth, M.C.Z. & Poulsom, A.J. (2008). The development of fieldwork problem-based exercises in the Applied Geosciences. Planet, 20, 37-40.


Wheeler, S., Chilton, S., Hodgson, I., Giles, D. & Whitworth, M. (2008). The Geological Society training guide for engineering geologists. Retrieved from the Engineering Group of the Geological Society London Website:


Giles, D.P. (2008). Digimap Case Study: The Engineering Geology and Geological Hazards of Ironbridge Gorge. Retrieved from the Edina Digimap Website:


Poulsom, A.J., Browning, G.R.J. and Giles, D.P. (Eds.) (2007). Engineering Geology and Geotechnics at Portsmouth – The First 40 Years. Proceedings of the First Alumni Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.


Giles, D.P. & Whitworth, M.C.Z. (2006). Training and education of engineering geologists for the new urban challenges in applied geosciences. Engineering Geology for Tomorrow's Cities. The Tenth IAEG Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September 2006. Paper No. 244.


Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D.P. & Anderson, I. (2006). Landslide imaging techniques for urban geoscience reconnaissance. Engineering Geology for Tomorrow's Cities. The Tenth IAEG Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September 2006. Paper No. 245.


Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D.P., Anderson, I. & Clewett, M. (2006). Terrestrial laser scanning for applied geoscience and landslide studies in the urban environment. Engineering Geology for Tomorrow's Cities. The Tenth IAEG Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September 2006. Paper No. 252.



Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D.P. & Murphy, W. (2005). Airborne remote sensing for landslide hazard assessment: a case study on the Jurassic escarpment slopes of Worcestershire, United Kingdom. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 38(3), 285-300.


Mwiya, S., Hughes, D.J. & Giles, D. (2004). Strategies for identifying and designing safe, economic municipal solid waste disposal sites in the arid zones of Southern Africa. In Proceedings of Waste 2004: Integrated Waste Management and Pollution Control: Policy and Practice, Research and Solutions (pp. 253-264). Warwick, UK.


Mwiya, S. & Giles, D. (2004). A knowledge-based approach to municipal solid waste disposal site development in the Kartsified Dolomitic terrain around the town of Tsumeb in North Central Namibia. Communications Geological Survey of Namibia, 13, 9-21.


Giles, D.P. (2004). Geotechnical Engineering. In R.C. Selley, L.R.M. Cocks & I.R. Plimer, (Eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Geology, (Vol. 3, pp. 100-105). Elsevier.


Whitworth, M., Giles, D., & Murphy, W. (2002). Landslides of the Cotswolds escarpment, Broadway, Worcestershire, UK. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club, XLII(2), 118-127.


Mrabet, Z. & Giles, D. (2002). Probabilistic risk assessment: The tool for uncertainty reduction in geotechnical engineering. In C.A. Brebbia (Ed.), Risk Analysis III, Transactions of the Wessex Institute of Technology, Ecology and the Environment, (Vol 100, pp. 3-13). Wessex Institute of Technology Press, Ashurst, UK.


Mrabet, Z. & Giles, D. (2002). Reliability analysis of earth fills using stochastic methods. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Methodology and Practice (pp. 469-472). Trondheim, Norway.


Mrabet, Z. & Giles, D. (2001). Modelling uncertainties in the stationary seepage problem. In C.A. Brebbia, P. Anagnostopoulos & K.L. Katsifarakis (Eds.), Water Resources Management, Progress in Water Resources, (Vol 4, pp. 311-320). Wessex Institute of Technology Press, Ashurst, UK.


Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D. P., & Murphy, W. (2001). Identification of landslides in clay terrains using Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) multispectral imagery. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 4545 (pp. 216-224). SPIE, Toulouse, France.


Whitworth, M.C.Z., Giles, D.P., Murphy, W, & Petley, D.N. (2000). Spectral properties of active, suspended and relict landslides derived from Airborne Thematic Mapper imagery. In E. Bromhead, N. Dixon & M-L. Ibsen, (Eds.), Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides, (pp. 1569-1574). Thomas Telford, London, UK.


Whitworth, M., Murphy, W., Giles, D.P. & Petley D.N. (2000). Historical constraints on slope movement age: a case study at Broadway, United Kingdom. The Geographical Journal, 166(2), 139-155.


Plunkett, J.S., Walton, N., Giles, D.P. & Langdon, N. (1999). Risk assessment revisited: A review of contaminated land risk assessment using data from a known contaminated site in Portsmouth, UK. In Goossens, L.H.J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Risk Analysis: Facing the New Millennium, Rotterdam. (pp. 227-230). Delft University Press, Netherlands.


Mankelow, J., Giles, D.P. & Murphy, W. (1998). Probability density function modelling for earthquake-triggered landslide hazard assessments. In A. Buccianti, G. Nardi & R. Potenza (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, (pp. 241-246). Ischia, Italy.


Plunkett, J.S., Giles, D.P. & Langdon, N.J. (1998). A brief review of the use of risk assessment software for the characterization of contaminated land. Proceedings of the 6th International TNO/BMFT Conference on Contaminated Soil: Consoil 98, (pp. 1027-1028). Thomas Telford, London, UK.


Giles, D.P. (1998). A digital data standard for the interchange of geotechnical and geoenvironmental data. In A. Buccianti, G. Nardi & R. Potenza (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, (pp. 683-687). Ischia, Italy.







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